Give your reading instruction a boost with Zinc Professional Learning.
Why Choose Zinc For Your School Or Team?
As successful readers, we intuitively turn words on the page into images and ideas, and we track clues like punctuation and pronouns, often without even realizing we’re doing it.
But for most students, these skills aren’t automatic yet. The good news is, these easy-to-apply strategies can be taught.
Zinc’s full- or half-day professional learning sessions equip you and your team with a shared classroom language for what to do while reading. Come away with a personalized path to reading mastery for every student.
What educators are saying about Zinc Professional Learning…
"This method acknowledges that students' experiences have value."
Mel, 10th/11th Grade ELA Teacher, Fontana, CA
The most useful part of the day is going "over strategy and communication techniques so that I'm not just saying, 'here do this' without fully understanding the rationale behind it."
-from our Post-Workshop Survey
In a recent session, 100% of the participants found that the session will "help me support my students in the classroom."
-from our Post-Workshop Survey
Zinc’s Educator-Led Workshops Are…